Write an SQL query to list customers who have not placed an order in the last 6 months but have placed more than 5 orders in total.

Lipsa Biswas
4 min readNov 27, 2023


Table creation script:

-- Create Customers table
CREATE TABLE Customers101 (
Customer_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
Name VARCHAR(50),
Join_Date DATE

CREATE TABLE Orders101 (
Customer_id INT,
Order_Date DATE,
Amount DECIMAL(10, 2),
FOREIGN KEY (Customer_id) REFERENCES Customers101(Customer_id)

Data insertion script:

-- Insert sample data into Customers table
INSERT INTO Customers101 (Customer_id, Name, Join_Date)
(1, 'John Doe', '2023-01-01'),
(2, 'Jane Smith', '2023-01-02'),
(3, 'Bob Johnson', '2023-01-03'),
(4, 'Mark Kith', '2023-10-03'),
(5, 'Alia Mary', '2023-1-03');

-- Insert sample data into Orders table
INSERT INTO Orders101 (Order_id, Customer_id, Order_Date, Amount)
(101, 1, '2023-01-05', 150.50),
(102, 2, '2023-01-06', 200.75),
(103, 1, '2023-01-07', 120.00),
(104, 3, '2023-01-08', 300.25),
(105, 1, '2023-01-05', 150.50),
(106, 1, '2023-02-06', 200.75),
(107, 1, '2023-03-07', 120.00),
(108, 1, '2023-05-08', 300.25),
(109, 2, '2023-01-06', 200.75),
(110, 2, '2023-11-06', 200.75),
(111, 2, '2023-10-06', 200.75),
(112, 2, '2023-01-06', 200.75),
(113, 4, '2023-11-06', 200.75),
(114, 4, '2023-11-07', 200.75),
(115, 4, '2023-11-08', 200.75),
(116, 4, '2023-11-09', 200.75),
(117, 4, '2023-11-10', 200.75),
(118, 4, '2023-02-12', 200.75),
(119, 5, '2023-02-05', 150.50),
(120, 5, '2023-03-05', 150.50),
(121, 5, '2023-04-05', 150.50),
(122, 5, '2023-04-15', 150.50),
(123, 5, '2023-04-25', 150.50),
(124, 5, '2023-03-03', 150.50),
(125, 5, '2023-02-02', 150.50);


Customers and Orders data

Task: Write an SQL query to list customers who have not placed an order in the last 6 months but have placed more than 5 orders in total.

Final Query:

SELECT a.customer_id ,b.name
FROM Orders101 AS a
INNER JOIN Customers101 AS b
ON a.Customer_id = b.Customer_id
GROUP BY customer_id
AND count(*) > 5;
customers who have not placed an order in the last 6 months but have placed more than 5 orders in total.

Detailed discussion (step-by-step query):

1- Bring customers and their order data together (i.e. Join the customer and orders table)

-- Bring customer and orders data together
SELECT a.* ,b.*
FROM Orders101 AS a
INNER JOIN Customers101 AS b
ON a.Customer_id = b.Customer_id;

2- Find the last order_date and total no. of orders placed by each customer(i.e. Group by customer id, and for each customer id group , find the max order date(last order date) and count(*) (total orders)

SELECT  a.customer_id , max(a.Order_Date) , count(*)
FROM Orders101 AS a
INNER JOIN Customers101 AS b
ON a.Customer_id = b.Customer_id
GROUP BY customer_id
Last order_date and total no. of orders placed by each customer

3- Filter only those customer_id groups where the difference between last order date and the current date is more than 6 months, and the customer has placed more than 5 orders

SELECT  a.customer_id , max(a.Order_Date) , count(*)
FROM Orders101 AS a
INNER JOIN Customers101 AS b
ON a.Customer_id = b.Customer_id
GROUP BY customer_id
AND count(*) > 5;

4 — In the final step, show only the name and id of the customer

SELECT  a.customer_id , b.name
FROM Orders101 AS a
INNER JOIN Customers101 AS b
ON a.Customer_id = b.Customer_id
GROUP BY customer_id
AND count(*) > 5;

Thank you !

Please drop your solution in the comment.

Please let me know in case of any issues in my solution or if you have any queries



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