Write an SQL query to calculate consecutive order counts for each order type in the ‘Order_batch’ table.
Table creation script:
Seq INT,
Order_type VARCHAR(50),
Batch VARCHAR(50)
Data insertion script:
(1, 'O1', 'B1'),
(2, 'O1', 'B2'),
(3, 'O1', 'B3'),
(4, 'O2', 'B5'),
(5, 'O2', 'B6'),
(6, 'O3', 'B1'),
(7, 'O4', 'B2'),
(8, 'O5', 'B3'),
(9, 'O1', 'B5'),
(10, 'O1', 'B6'),
(11, 'O6', 'B1'),
(12, 'O7', 'B2'),
(13, 'O8', 'B3'),
(14, 'O1', 'B5'),
(15, 'O1', 'B6');
Task: Calculate consecutive order counts
Final Query:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT Seq, Order_type,
SUM(CASE WHEN Order_type = prev_Order_type THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) OVER(ORDER BY Seq) AS grp
FROM (SELECT *, LAG(Order_type) OVER(ORDER BY Seq) AS prev_Order_type FROM Order_batch) s
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS Seq, Order_type AS 'Order' ,count(*) AS 'Count'
FROM cte
GROUP BY Order_type, grp;
Detailed discussion (step-by-step query):
Step-1 : Get the previous order_type for each order
SELECT *, LAG(Order_type) OVER(ORDER BY Seq) AS prev_Order_type
FROM Order_batch;
Step-2: Group consecutive rows with same Order_type
(this is the trickiest part of the SQL query, forming groups of consecutive rows with the same order type)
SUM(CASE WHEN Order_type = prev_Order_type THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) OVER(ORDER BY Seq) AS grp
(SELECT *, LAG(Order_type) OVER(ORDER BY Seq) AS prev_Order_type
FROM Order_batch) s;
Step -3 :Use the above query output (step-2) as a common table expression or temporary table to group the data “grp” wise and find total count of orders in each group
WITH cte AS (
SELECT Seq, Order_type, SUM(CASE WHEN Order_type = prev_Order_type THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) OVER(ORDER BY Seq) AS grp
FROM (SELECT *, LAG(Order_type) OVER(ORDER BY Seq) AS prev_Order_type FROM Order_batch) s
SELECT Order_type,grp , count(*) AS Order_count
FROM cte
GROUP BY Order_type, grp;
Step 4: In the final query, give each row an unique number
WITH cte AS (
SELECT Seq, Order_type, SUM(CASE WHEN Order_type = prev_Order_type THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) OVER(ORDER BY Seq) AS grp
FROM (SELECT *, LAG(Order_type) OVER(ORDER BY Seq) AS prev_Order_type FROM Order_batch) s
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS Seq, Order_type AS 'Order' ,count(*) AS 'Count'
FROM cte
GROUP BY Order_type, grp;
Concepts used — Subquery , common table expression , aggregation window function , LAG() , ROW_NUMBER() ,CASE-WHEN statement , GROUP BY etc
Thank you !
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