Visualize the future-you
Tough time does not last forever. It shall pass. While waiting for it to pass, the best thing to do is to prepare for the future.
Visualize YOURSELF in the future. Visualize yourself in a better form, in a better state. Work towards your better self. Let your imagination motivate you, let it discipline you to work for a better tomorrow.
Going through a job loss crisis? Visualize yourself with a better opportunity in the next few months. Imagine building a brand. Imagine working in your choicest place. Imagine yourself in your best attire giving your best presentation. Whatever is the definition of “best” for you, just visualize. Now, work towards it. Soon these difficult months or years will be behind you. It shall pass anyway. We prepare for the future or not, time shall pass. Now, how we utilized the time is in our hands.
Dealing with a health crisis? Poor immunity? Joint pain, weight gain, low self-esteem? Imagine yourself in the best of your health. Imagine you have just completed a 5k marathon. Imagine yourself in your desired outfit. Imagine. Visualize. And start working towards making your imagination a reality.
Had a painful breakup? Rejection? Hurt? Give some time to grieve. Cry if you must. Then move on. Build yourself. Pick up pieces and start all over again. Imagine a future where you are better and stronger, more beautiful, and wiser. Imagine yourself without grudges or pity. These hurtful days will be behind anyway. But if you pass it in self-pity, self-destruction then the future won't be any better either.
Sit down. Calm down. Sip a glass of water or tea, and see your future self. Visualize the future-you. Now get up, dress up and show up where you must show up to make your imagination a reality.
(If you resonate with the thought, give the article a clap to encourage me to write more )